2+1 FREE Falafel with 2 packs of Flavoured Galletti
2+1 FREE Falafel with 2 packs of Flavoured Galletti

Tal-Furnar Flavoured Galletti

Offer available on Sundried Tomato and Basil, Sea Salt and Black Pepper, and Zalzett Malti flavours. 

Offer available on Sundried Tomato and Basil, Sea Salt and Black Pepper, and Zalzett Malti flavours. 

1.98 2.97
3 x 70g(€9.43/Kg)

  • Each offer has a special sticker.
  • Products not having a sticker do not qualify as an offer.
  • The prices indicated here are with the Recommended Retail Price(RRP).
  • It is possible that some outlets sell these items at lower prices.

  • Hemm sticker speċjali fuq kull offerta.
  • Prodotti mingħajr dan l-isticker mhumiex parti minn offerta speċjali.
  • Il-prezzijiet indikati huma l-ogħla prezzijiet li jistgħu jinbiegħu, għalkemm jista’ jkun hemm ħwienetli jbiegħubi prezz orħos